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File #1

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Biological information and Physical description


Name: Alicia Joanna Diamond

Age: Currently 15


Sex: Female


D.O.B: October 4th 1999 (Written in the 2015 period)


Place Of Birth: Chicago, U.S.A


Nationality: American


Blood Type: B


Height: 5'6


Weight: 58kg


Eye Colour: Green


Hair Colour: Red





School: Apollo Academy Independent School


Occupation: Year 10 Student


Average School Grade: B


Overall Suspensions: 4


Expulsion: 0





Criminal Records: None


Diseases: None


Allergies: None


Skills: Taekwondo Red Belt second kup.





Witty: Alicia or 'Aj' for short is known for being many things but a smart mouth sure is one of them. Throughout the story, not only does she have trouble keeping her pranks in check but she also has trouble keeping things to herself. That being said, her witty remarks do add to her hidden intellect and boosts her confidence levels. However, she may have to worry about the number of enemies she wants to keep.


Rebellious: Let's see: Prankster, defiant of laws, rough tomboy, doesn't obey parents very often, can be a nuisance at school and purposely gets suspended. What more do I need to say?


Funny: Indeed. Her sarcasm and snippy remarks makes this girl comedy gold. Who knows, she might kill the enemies with laughter.


Loyal: Has been shown to be extremely loyal to her friends and will do anything to protect the ones she cares about. Heck, her entire reason for joining this league was all in the name of protecting her friend's reputation. She also trusts them more than her parents.


Stubborn: This girl rarely ever thinks twice about a decision. Whether it's a belief, activity or whatever scheme she has up her sleeve, it'll take more than a new Final Fantasy game to change her mind.


Chaotic: The reason she's in the league.


Good heart: As much as she gives off a lot of fiery vibes, *chuckles to self* in the end she does mean well and does do things out of good nature. It's the reason she's the main protagonist.


Bold: And it's not just because of her red hair!


Quite Friendly: Even though she's not willing to go out of her way to make friends, Aj has shown to befriend the likes of Andy surprisingly fast. Well maybe it's because he's so likeable anyway. Besides Andy, she even makes an effort to form some sort of companionship with Matthew which doesn't always work out well. Still. I don't think she's changed in her attitudes towards others much.


What else?

Well, as the chapters still stand, Alicia is still working on her way to becoming a great assassin. She still has a lot of work to do, a lot of training that needs to improve, and a lot less people to piss off. But I wouldn't worry about the girl who went on her own little mission with Grace, got chased by security guards and made it back alive in one piece.

Alicia Joanna Diamond

Will Have More Updates!

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